Saturday, August 16, 2014

The best places of my trip in India

India is a country that is not lost and can hardly be described in words. Not even in pictures. It is necessary for him to travel, live and feel in person to get an idea. It is a country that changes people. It is not a cliché, it's true. I think it affects travelers poverty you might get to see it, dignified and positive manner with which the Indians faced this religiosity and every second that passes there.


If you really want to travel to India must have a predisposition to the adventure since, as we kinda os, public transport is not very comfortable and are very well organized but, yes, come to almost everywhere. My only advice is that you go so long as you can because the country is huge, slow transport and especially since the body and head need some time to adjust to India. In my case I think I started to adapt to the country last 2-3 weeks of being there. I stayed 4 months and went from south to north, traveling mainly by bus and train. In the northern states, Ladakh and Cashmir, also traveled by hitchhiking. On the map below you can see the route.

Here are some of the places I liked most in my little adventure in the world's largest democracy


The southern state of Kerala is the most famous in India. It is on the west coast, plus miles and miles of tropical beaches, forests and full of animals. Culturally it is also very interesting because here you will find Hindu temples, churches, mosques, synagogues and even in a state that has the communist (he is full of communist flags everywhere).

With permission of treatments and massages and ayurvedic medicine Khatakali dances, the most famous is the experience of Kerala canoe ride on the backwaters of Alappuzha or Kottayam. The Backwaters are rivers, lakes and canals surrounded by greenery, in which many people live.


The small village of Hampi is the most popular destination in the State of Karnataka. Formerly the town was the capital of the Vijayanagar Empire. Today still retain many of their ruins are World Heritage by UNESCO. The landscape around Hampi is brutal and the best way to know is by renting a bike and climbing some of the mountains. I recommend the Monkey Temple, but forget to give bananas to the monkeys, I had to run away chased by a few. My friends still be leaving on the ass.

The Vicente Ferrer Foundation (Anantapur)

As many of you know the Vicente Ferrer Foundation is an NGO working in the state of Andra Pradesh in India. Specifically around the city of Anantapur, one of the driest and poorest areas around the country. This NGO was founded by the Catalan Vincente Ferrer (candidate for Nobel Peace Prize) in 1969, has over 155,000 members across Spain that support and finance sustainable development projects (agriculture, microcredit, water management, health and education ). It employs over 1800 people in various hospitals, schools and projects.

We visited the foundation without knowing if they would let us be, and the experience was amazing. We got a room, food and an Indian guide who spoke Castilian and taught us several hospitals, schools and projects. We had 3 of the best days of the whole trip. Impressive work done in India. If you want to visit the NGO, organize trips themselves.


Goa is probably the country's smallest state and tourism. It is the ideal place if you are looking for beaches and partying. In addition to its beaches, Goa is famous for its markets and festivals hippies trance. Goa is normal sleep in a cabin on top of a palm tree in front of the beach, rent a bike to tour the state.

Varansi (or Benares)

One of the oldest cities in the world, continuously inhabited for over 3000 years. It is one of the places required if you want to know the real India. Varansi is a holy city in Hinduism as it passes by the Ganges River, that makes religion so permeates everything. An estimated 60,000 people bathe every day in the holy waters of the river and greatly contaminated. So a stroll through the ghats (stairs leading down to the river) is essential to know the city.

If you come up north of the Ghats will come to the crematoria. There you can witness how the dead burned in a ceremony that is repeated every day for thousands of years. After burning, the ashes thrown into the river but some families do not have enough money to buy the necessary wood, so do not be surprised if you see human remains, burned media, floating down the Ganges River. This is the sort of thing to which one takes a little getting used to in India.

Haridwar and Rishikesh

Haridwar is in the north, in the state of Uttarakhand. Haridwar signfica the door to God and the Ganges River passes through it. Although here it is clean. This village is famous for the Kumbh Mela festival. A festival held every 12 years and in 2003 brought together 70 million people. So it's the largest in the world and probably the history festival. The next will be held in 2016.

Rishikesh is near Hariwdar, so if traveling through this area is a good idea to visit both towns. Rishikesh is the yoga mecca. Since the Beatles came here to do yoga, the village has seen every year more and more foreigners came in search of inner peace. The Ganges river also passes through the village and at this point is very clean so it is highly recommended bathing in it.

Mc Leod Ganj (near Dharamsala)

When the Dalai Lama had to flee Tibet in 1959 and came here to Mc Leod Ganj since then has become the capital of Tibet into exile. Mc Leod is a small village atop a hill and surrounded by nature and mountains. Here you will find free Tibetan culture and if you are lucky to attend one of the conferences that the Dalai Lama given from time to time. Around the village are also perfect for hiking.


Manali is a town in northern India over 2000 meters above sea level. This town is famous among travelers for being the place where you want to smoke go Xaras (Indian hashish). And it is true that there are many people who go to that (especially you Israelis) but Manali is also a good place from which des excursions. The forests around the town are beautiful and are formed by giant trees with huge waterfalls. There are also several hot springs sites. If you are interested you may do climbing or paragliding.


Leh is the capital of the northern state of India, Ladahk. Leh is situated at 3600 meters high and can only be reached by plane or by road from Manali to just open summers and reaching more than 5000 meters high. A brutal, but highly recommended long way.

The city, like the entire state of Ladahk is primarily Buddhist and looks more like Tibet than India. Lunar landscapes and mountains Ladahk are impressive and make it one of the best sites you hiking.


Srinagar is the capital of the famous Cashmir. A land that has spent decades dealing with India and Pakistan. Srinagar is a city with a huge lake in the middle, filled with floating houses where you can stay. A highly recommended experience to spend a day walking around the lake boat observing life on it.


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